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Curating Difference – Different Curating? Transformative Perspectives on Relating Otherwise


We are pleased to invite you to “Curating Difference – Different Curating?” The event will be kicked off by a public talk on exhibiting and relating otherwise by Stella Rollig on Friday, 3rd May, 6 pm at Zurich University of the Arts, followed by a feminist assembly on Saturday, 4th May 2024 with a public “long tables” exchange (3–5pm) at Kunsthaus Zurich, Auditorium Pfister-Saal.

“Curating Difference – Different Curating?” is a work in process in the quest of building and sustaining a feminist network of exchange on issues of equality and diversity in the visual arts in Switzerland. This necessarily also entails re-thinking the infrastructures of curating and institutional practices such as considering different models of leadership and curation, building coalitions and supportive structures, and re-organising exhibition practices around hospitality, participation, inclusiveness, and authorships. What are the tools we need to intervene and transform art institutions from the inside – on a personal and structural level? How are exhibitions already changing, away from the ingenous œuvre of the autonomous artist toward situated knowledges inspired by many?

Our discussion is based on the ongoing research on gender relations and diversity in Swiss cultural institutions (Zimmermann et al. 2021) and two feminist issues of OnCurating (52/2021 & 29/ 2016), as well as the long durational research on the gender gap in Swiss arts institutions by artist Elisabeth Eberle (2023).

The event is organized by art of intervention (Andrea Zimmermann & Dominique Grisard), the platform (Dorothee Richter, Ronald Kolb and Elisabeth Eberle) and CAS in Curating, Continuing Education, ZHdK. Our aim is to build a continuous and lasting feminist network with events like this.

The event is kindly hosted and supported by Kunsthaus Zürich.


Friday 3rd of May, 6 pm

We will start with a public talk on exhibiting and relating otherwise by Stella Rollig.

Zurich University of the Arts, Room 3.K01 (Hörsaal 1), Pfingstweidstrasse 96, 8005 Zurich

Saturday 4th of May, 3–5 pm

The public “Long Table” conversations will provide thematic tables, each with space for about 10-20 people. Expert moderators initiate 30-minute table conversations on how to curate, lead, connect and relate otherwise in art institutions.

Kunsthaus Zurich, Auditorium Pfister-Saal, Heimplatz 1/5, 8001 Zurich

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